Friday, September 26, 2008

Orwellian Doublespeak

World leaders recommit to poverty goals

Hey, if their goal is poverty, it sure looks like it's working!

Let's see, we can impoverish the populace and line our own pockets at a rate of 2% annually...

That's what gets me about people believing in political and education systems, and then being shocked when those systems do not accomplish their stated goals. People start talking about how the system isn't working, when in fact, the systems are working fine - they ARE achieving their (true) goals. The new wars on abstract nouns (such as terror) are undefinable and can't be won. Abstract nouns (such as poverty) cannot be defeated. But we lap it up. We have been abstracted to death. Or at least to poverty.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Help! Mr. Chesterton!

OK, OK, it's "Help, Mr. Wizard!"
Where are they when you need them?
This NYT article just begs the question (or call for help):

Questions, and Hope, on Plans for Mortgage Giants

For months, the questions hanging over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the beleaguered mortgage giants, have unnerved Wall Street and Main Street.

When we are reduced to speaking of hope for big companies, and how they are beleaguered, rather than of hope for the beleaguered John Smith and Angela Jones, then we have forgotten who really needs help.